Thursday, October 30, 2008

Welcome one and all to my Blog. This a first for me so I hope I do well. My friend Kat wanted me to read her Blog so I figured I would start one too. I asked her advise and she told me to write about what I know. That got me thinking, What do I know? I mean what do I know well enough to talk about ad nausium. I know drama well, I spent many years in the theatre, but that is kind of boring unless you ar a big thetre fan. (OH in case you are wondering I am NOT missspelling Theatre, rather I use the olde English version of the spelling) I know kids, I have three and I spend most of my time with my precousious 2 year old. She is my life and I love her very much, but who would want to read daily about a Dad who loves his daughter, that would get old quicky. So what to do with my own personal soapbox? Then it occured to me, why write about stuff I alreay know. What is the fun in that? I think I will write about stuff I don't know, or wnat to know more about, or dont understand well. So My plan is to write about whatever pops into my head and if there is anyone out there who reads this blog and knows about something I am wondering about feel free to leave a comment.

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