Monday, October 27, 2008

A poem I wrote

The Sands of Time
By: L Matt Hanke

The sands of time slip not only through our fingers,
But also through out hearts.
The heat they carry cauterizes the open wounds,
That inhabit that muscle.
They fill the cracks that develop over time,
They wash away the scars that remain.

The sands of time slip not only through our fingers,
But also through our minds.
The constant barrage wears away the edges,
Of the painful memories.
They filter out the darker parts of the past,
They polish the good memories until they shine.

The sands of time slip not only through our fingers,
But also through our souls.
The light they reflect illuminates the evil,
That creeps in and hides.
They cover the derelict promises that lay broken,
They cover the sins and leave us whole again.

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